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Frequently asked questions about the monument.

When did Congress authorize the Women’s Suffrage National Monument to be built?

On December 17, 2020, with unanimous bipartisan support from Congress, President Trump signed Public Law 116-217, which charges the Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation with building a monument in Washington, D.C. to honor the pioneers of the early American women’s suffrage movement. While Public Law 116-217 authorizes the monument to be built on federal land in Washington, D.C., it did not authorize the monument to be built on the National Mall.

When did Congress authorize the Women’s Suffrage National Monument to be built on the National Mall?

On December 20, 2024, the U.S. Senate passed H.R. 1318, which authorizes the Women’s Suffrage National Monument to be built on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The legislation was signed into law by President Biden on January 4, 2025. With the passage of this historic legislation, the Foundation is working with planning agencies across the nation’s capital to finalize the location of the monument on the National Mall. The final site on the National Mall is expected to be announced in 2026.

Where will the monument be located?

Congress directed the monument be built on the National Mall, ensuring that women’s history is accessible to Washington, D.C.’s 36 million annual visitors. The final site for the monument on the National Mall is expected to be announced in 2026. 

When will the monument be completed?

The monument is expected to be completed and unveiled to the American people in 2033. 

Who is leading the effort to build the monument? 

The Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation, a nonpartisan 501(c)3 nonprofit, was charged by Congress in Public Law 116-217 and  Public Law 118-226 to design and build the Women’s Suffrage National Monument on the National Mall.

How will the monument be funded?

Like most national monuments and memorials in Washington, D.C., the Women’s Suffrage National Monument will be funded in its entirety through private donations. 

Will the monument be funded by taxpayers?

No. The Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation does not receive any government funding. The Foundation is fully responsible for raising the funds to build the monument through private donations.

How much money needs to be raised to build the Women’s Suffrage National Monument? 

We estimate the total cost to build the Women’s Suffrage National Monument will be $100 million. 

How much did it cost to build other significant memorials and monuments on the National Mall? 

  • The World War II Memorial, completed in 2004, cost $196M to construct.
  • The Eisenhower Memorial, completed in 2020, cost $150M to construct.
  • The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, completed in 2011, cost $120M to construct.

What is the design of the monument and who is the designer? 

The Foundation expects to announce an open nationwide call for design ideas in 2026. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to make sure you are the first to hear about design submission announcements.

Who will be represented in the monument?

The Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation is committed to lifting all suffragists out of the footnotes of history and into our shared American story. The final design of the monument will weave together the multitude of diverse histories that collectively tell a complete story of women’s fight for the vote. 

When can I visit the monument? 

The monument is expected to be unveiled in 2033. Remember to follow along with our progress on social media and through our newsletters.

How can I support the monument?

  • Donate: The Women’s Suffrage National Monument will be funded in its entirety through private donations and we need your support today to bring the monument to life. Make your tax deductible donation here.
  • Get Involved: Follow our progress by signing up to receive our newsletters and following us on social media Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.

How can I donate? 

You can donate online here. Checks can be sent to Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation at 1201 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 531 PMB 668856, Washington, D.C.  20036 . For any questions, you can reach our donor support team at:

How can I contact the Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation?